Work at home … it's unavoidable.

Back in the 80s, the idea of ergonomically designed office spaces was just taking hold.  Human Factors was a fairly new field and the idea that we could increase our productivity by ensuring that our work spaces were more than a table, chair and trash can with a side filing cabinet was revolutionary.  It was discovered and proven that simple things like lighting, desk height, shelf placement and color all work together with our physical, mental and emotional aspects to impact – either positively or negatively – our productivity when working.

Custom_Home_OfficeWorking at home, in one form or another, is virtually impossible to avoid simply because of the Age of Electronics.  You want to check in with your mother to find out how she’s doing? Send an email (i.e., sit at the desk and work).  You want to pay your bills? Log in to your online bank account and access the Bill Pay function (i.e., sit at the desk and work). You’d like to expand your music library? No problem – simply log into your online entertainment account and begin searching and downloading the latest and greatest music (i.e., sit at the desk and work).  According to the NY Times, 43% of employed Americans worked remotely (often from home) at least some of the time.  (Chokshi, Niraj (2017) “Out of the Office: More People Are Working Remotely, Survey Finds.” NY Times, February 15).  Over 50% of Americans pay their bills online and more than 56% of bills are paid via online channels.  What does this mean for you? It means that, if you don’t already do it, the trends show that you, too, will be working at a computer to pay your bills. (Orem, Tina (2017) “56% of All Bills Now Paid Online, Study Finds”, January 26.).  Oh, and let’s not forget about the email. Yes, the email.  The average person is spending close to 20 hours reading, responding to and sending emails each week.

Working from home is unavoidable in the world we live in.

Working from a dining room chair at the kitchen table IS avoidable, even in small places.

The costs of not providing a well-designed work space in your home include: reduced productivity; back, neck and head pain (which results in more medical costs and further reduced productivity); more time spent working due to the distractions of home; and disorganization that results in frustration and lost productivity.

The benefits of providing a well-designed work space in your home include: increased productivity, decreased distractions, tax breaks for dedicated space, better health, and an overall sense of well-being.

You work from home, whether it is “personal” work or professional work.  Treat yourself well and provide a space in which to perform that work.  Custom office spaces address your wants and needs, incorporate good Human Factors design principals, and provide you the ability to be organized, efficient and healthy as you get your work done.  You do work. We design, make and install the space that will work for you.